Professional Therapeutic Massage
Susan Lebovitz, L.M.T.

About SRT

*  SRT - Spinal Reflex Therapy

     SRT resets Spinal Reflexes, the automatic reflexes that protect the body from sudden changes or threats.

How do these reflexes work? For example, let's say you took a fall and landed on your back. The moment you started to lose your balance the body instantly alerted nerves to first try to avert the fall, and then if that didn't work, to brace you for the fall, recruiting muscles to counteract the momentum of the imbalance. Your legs tensed, your core tightened, you might have twisted to look behind you, and perhaps you even threw your arms out to break the fall. All automatically, without having time to thinking about it.

Maybe it went well and you simply got back up and were fine. But what happens when you were hurt and these alarms don’t quit – for example, when trauma and pain keep reminding the body that something is not right? A disturbed reflex pattern can get stuck in your spinal "memory", sending a distress signal, shouting “help!” forever, unless there is some healing intervention. This distortion may be instantly noticeable, or you may go for many years with less obvious signs in your nervous system affecting your posture and hindering your healing. SRT is a myofascial massage technique which treats these reflexes. They are called spondylogenic reflexes because the originate in the spine. They are your "hard-wired" protection system, pretty much the same in everyone.  That's why treating these reflexes with SRT gives consistent, predictable results. 

Do you want fast, effective and long term relief from nerve, muscle, joint functional health complications? SRT procedures are known for tackling complicated and failed care because they uncover these deep dysfunctions and create a safe place for the body to reset and heal. Try it today! SRT can make a difference for you!

SRT Has Improved or Resolved: 

Shoulder injuries & pain

Severe pain

Balance issues

Back instability & strength

Neck pain

Poor posture

Back pain & soreness

Leg pain

Frozen shoulders

Muscle stiffness

Knee pain, swelling & range of motion

Hip pain

Injury prevention

Pain related to broken bones and torn muscles and ligaments 

Shoulder pain & injuries



Athletic strength, power, flexibility and recovery time

Injury prevention



Muscle pain or tightness

Shin pain

Sports recovery time

Wrist pain & injuries


Leg pain, tingling & numbness

Foot pain

Back spasms

Herniated disc related issues



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